Wrap Up: February 2019

Mar 11, 2019

A delayed wrap up of February 2019, but at least I did it!


On 21st February I called it quits on the second/third draft (I don’t even know anymore) of my YA novel. I worked non-stop on the book for the whole of February, which is why I didn’t post anything else… Nothing to do with how lazy I am. At. All. Every day, I was chipping away at the bits that I’ve been putting off writing for an entire year. I hate fight scenes…

Then the last week of February happened. This is what I’m calling the Lost Week of writing. I went to my desk every day between 8-9am. Sat down. Opened my laptop. Opened my notebook. Grabbed my pencil. And then time travelled to 5 pm. Zero recollection. Zero progress. It was a nightmare!

After the Lost Week, I completely flipped out and cascaded down into Writer’s despair. I was a nightmare.

It’s okay though, I got out of it. The uplifting shit actually happened in the first week of March. It was thanks to a panicked five minute decision to give my friends the first part of the book that I’m even able to talk about it now. Let your friends help you!

It’s okay though, I got out of it. The uplifting shit actually happened in the first week of March. It was thanks to a panicked five-minute decision to give my friends the first part of the book that I’m even able to talk about it now.

Writing advice for the month: Let your friends help you!


Still working through my Good Reads Challenge. I’m trying to read a variety of books. My preference draws me towards annoyingly long books. I drift towards Lord of the Rings and can sit with it for months. Completely satisfied. But (although I love it…) just reading that isn’t exactly going to help me become a better writer. So, I’m trying to branch out.

I did also buy some books in February but I’m not going to spotlight them. It’s just encouraging my bad behaviour. If I read them, then they get a spotlight.

Speaking of, here are the very different books I read this month. (review of one of this is going to come…) Look how blue they are!

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
Heart Burn by Nora Ephron


Ten favourite things for February:

  1. Banana Cookies – Mash banana, peanut butter & oats in a bowl. Bake.
  2. Watercolours
  3. 8fit App – It’s running my life.
  4. Hairdryer – Boring I know but it’s been great – clap for your hairdryer!
  5. Bones – Thanks Amazon Prime for ruining my life.
  6. Saturday Cartoons – Over the Garden Wall, She-Ra, Final Space
  7. Yoga with Adriene – (On Youtube)
  8. Civ VI – (Because no one plays Civ V any more)
  9. Tokaido – (Really Beautiful Boardgame)
  10. Animal Crossing Phone Game (I’m excited about the Switch game!)

Goals for March (the rest of March…)

Editing my book is (and has to be) my main focus. I’m probably not going to edit the whole thing, I’m not a maniac! But I’m hoping to get at least a third looking nice and shiny.

My personal goal is to chill out a bit more. I got so stressed in February that I made myself ill. That is not okay! I’m going to take care of my metal health and actually listen to my body.

Maybe I should also try to use this blog a little more.

So, that’s it for Wrap Up: February 2019… coming to you from March! If you liked this post please check out the exact same posts that I linked to in the January Wrap Up post… here

As always, thanks for reading!

Previous Wrap Ups Post: Wrap Up: January 2019

Next Wrap Ups Post: Wrap Up: March 2019

Druid Georgi

My name's Georgi. I'm all about stories, nature and not being a horrible person. Grab a coffee, scroll around and laugh at my expense. My life motto is, 'Imagine if I'd done tried or whatever.'