Wrap Up: March 2019
Here’s my wrap up: March 2019. Wow this year is flying by.
It was only a couple of weeks since I talked about the progress on my novel. It’s not changed much so I’d take a look at February’s wrap up for detail. I am still reaping the benefits of sharing my book with my friends. Besides that, as you’ll read about during this wrap-up, I’ve been a little distracted. I took a week off voluntarily and then I took an involuntary week off immediately afterwards. Overall, March has been a roller coaster for writing.
One other lovely development is I’ve picked up a moderating position with the Professional Writing Academy. I’m mostly doing admin for short writing courses. I like the work and the little online community of budding writers. And it’s filled my days with a little variety.
My writing advice for the month: It’s okay to take breaks, pursue other things or practice self-care. Your world, characters and story will be there when you return.
I didn’t finish any books this month. I started a few. And bought a couple. Based off a recommendation from someone I share a workspace with I bought a book called Sky Song. Then a few days later she gave me her daughter’s copy to read. Somehow, I’ve fallen out of practice with book sharing, so now I have two copies. And I’m feeling awkward about it.
Although I’ve failed to read anything ‘for fun’ this month, I thought I’d share my ‘

Children’s Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook 2018
Wonderbook (This one is truly wonderful!)
The Writer’s Journey
The Five-Minute W
I went to Paris. It was wonderful. I’ve been to Paris before but not for around eight years. I was in a different place (mentally) and definitely had a different outlook. Now, I’m more aware of how I like to travel and what I enjoy from a holiday (and from life.)

I like to walk around a place and take in the atmosphere. Occasional museums if the weather’s bad or we need to pass the time. History is always good… But I do not enjoy tourist traps and expensive ‘activities’.
That meant that we didn’t really ‘do’ any of the big Paris things. We walked by most of them. We walked through the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc Du Triumph. But mostly we walked random streets with a vague direction in mind, getting a little lost, but not too lost.
We ate some great dinners, pastries and snacks. I even got to be Parisian sitting in a coffee shop watching people do their life around me. I would say, three days was enough to do that.
The highlight of the trip for me was the canal near our Airbnb. We wandered down Canal Saint-Martin multiple times during our trip. But on Friday night it really came alive. Every available edge, curb and seat was sat on as groups of people lazed around. Six-packs of beer, bottles of wine, crisps and baguettes at their feet. Cigarettes in their mouths. Jolly chatting and laughter ringing around. If you get to go to Paris, definitely go join in. It was really great. (And totally Parisian.)

Top ten favourite things this March:
- Wakame Noodle Bar
- Cottage Cheese Pancakes (I’ll post a recipe soon for these)
- Know The Origin Clothing (Check them out!)
- Wild Sage & Co Argan Beauty Balm (Perfect products, always)
- Compeed Blister Packs (These saved my feet in Paris)
- Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix (Drew Barrymore)
- Simon & Martina on YouTube (Two wonderful people)
- Sofa Duvet (Illness kept me horizontal)
- This erasable highlighter (Except mines from the Pokemon Centre)
- My Mum who made me feel less rubbish when I was ill and also got a puppy last weekend so brought a new bean into my life.
Goals for April
For April, I plan to work really hard on my book. I’m desperate to get it to a readable stage for normal people not just my poor writer friends. So that’s still and always my main goal.
It’s also my birthday month, so I’m going to spend more time working on my favourite things. (And less time worrying about the things I can’t control.) That means catching up on my Good Reads Challenge. Doing art projects. And going for walks in the *fingers crossed* warm weather.
If you liked this please check out my other bloggy things: Here
Or my latest review:
And as always, thanks for reading.