My Week in Food #7

Aug 4, 2017

It’s fooooooood frrrridayy! Welcome! This week has been a little bit mental! Also I’m ill again so that’s a fun thing… but here’s my food!


First meal in the new house! Salmon & avocado sandwich from Wolfie’s in Cheltenham.


Blurry coffee and croissant to match my blurry AM vision. Black Gold Coffee.


Yes, this a burrito. No, I didn’t take a picture of the inside. You can just imagine what it looks like; rice, beans, tofu. Paparito’s in Cheltenham.


Meal with my family! I got a Miso Bowl from All Bar One. The sticky rice was great.

**Bonus picture of Me + my BF’s hand eating Wolfie’s in the flat! (I wasn’t sure if he wanted to be a face so cropped him out) **


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Druid Georgi

My name's Georgi. I'm all about stories, nature and not being a horrible person. Grab a coffee, scroll around and laugh at my expense. My life motto is, 'Imagine if I'd done tried or whatever.'