Hi. I’m Georgi. Welcome!
This is a place where I write just a lot of stuff.
I really like setting myself goals so here are my 2018 goals, that I’ll be sharing with you!
Zero-Waste/Living Naturally/Minimalist Lifestyle. I’m attempting to simplify my life in a big way. So I’m working towards doing that! Join me for no-poo, recycling, periods and why I can’t eat crisps more but probably still will.
Reviews! I watch too much TV. Am addicted to games. And have so many books! Seriously though, the books I need to start reading them! Click this to see a post I wrote about how many books I have. (There are interactive graphs… It took me ages.)
Writing! I’m first and foremost a fantasy writer. I want to share my writing tips and woes on here.
But mostly rambling is my thing.
Why am I a druid? And what is a druid? I like magic and nature. In an alternate universe, this is what I’d be.
Please follow me and click my social media if you think I’m nice, funny or feel sorry for me.
Thanks for reading.