Week 2 - In Which I Make Up the World

I’ve been working pretty hard this week, though somehow I’ve not managed to clock as many hours. I’m also still ill, so there’s that. I logged 18 hours of work not including reading time which I’m not sure counts because I’d probably be doing it with or without this project.

This week has been all about building my world and characters. Not going to lie, it’s been hard. I’ve been answering so many questions about my world in order to legitimise it because one of my massive pet peeves is fantasy worlds with huge gaping inaccuracies. I really don’t want that for this! Like really, really don’t want that!

So this process is kind of an on going one, but I’ve got a lot of the physical and visual aspects of my world covered. Here’s a series of pictures that have inspired the look of Gatharia. I’m also developing a Pinterest Board so if you want to check that out too it might help.

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More images can be found on the Our Hero Rhea Pinterest Board

You can see that I’m going for an ancient/abandoned look. This is because Gatharia is mostly ruined itself. No person/creature living on the surface of Gatharia no longer care about beauty or architecture. There are exceptions to this but for the most part Gatharia is the ruins of a place once rich and vibrant.

The biggest exception to this one which I couldn’t find in any lovely pictures of the Temple of Apollo are the floating buildings.

“Why? Why would any one want that? Floating buildings are lame!” I hear you scream. Well firstly it’s my world and they’re not lame, you are. Secondly, my deities reside in these floating buildings. It’s still up for discussion as to whether these buildings used to be higher and because of centuries of sloppiness and indifference they’ve fallen. Or!! Whether the deities themselves chose to be floating because their gaudy and egotistical self image demands that they are higher than the creatures they once created and cared for.

Anyway, I’ve lovely prepared some images of floating things. If they are floating in water in the picture please imagine that they are in the sky.

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Again! More images (and credits) on the Our Hero Rhea Pinterest Board.

I’ll write up a separate post on characters this week. So look forward to that.

Other things for this week include: A full treatment, a taster of the screenplay itself and a new tattoo! That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading!