Week 10 - In which I reflect on it all

So we’re here! Week 10 and the official 2 week count down to the end of this challenge and to the end of my degree. The largest bulk of my screenplays are written and now I’m in full edit swing. Rewrites are happening! Like lots of rewrites!

I feel confident saying that I developed a feature length screenplay from nothing to first/second draft in 10 weeks! And I think that’s pretty damn awesome!

The last two weeks are more focused around finishing my degree and less about being an ace screenwriter. I’ve got a supportive essay to write to accompany my screenplays. As well as polishing off of a really good third draft of my feature! And maybe second drafts of my shorts?

Looking back over these couple of months I don’t think I really understood what I would be doing to myself. It’s been a huge mental challenge getting all these things to the point they’re at right now and yeah, I guess I’m just a little bit proud of myself.

What did I learn about writing?
I’ve said this a million times now but I learnt that you just have to put the words down. Write them down until the vague idea is out of your brain then go back and rework it until it feels right.

What did I learn about myself?
I learnt that I love this. I think I’d forgotten but now I know that I just love the feeling of writing stories and watching them evolve. I learnt that I’m actually pretty strong. Even through the really shit weeks (and I had a couple) I still managed to focus myself enough to get something on paper! And, last thing I swear, I learnt about my own writing routine. I learnt that I should get the bulk of my writing done in the morning then research and development in the afternoon. And learning that is invaluable to self-motivation in the future.

Would I do this again? 
Yes…! I would ditch the essay and even the short films if I’m honest. It’s been hard fitting everything in and I know that I made the feature my priority. There are big chunks of time that I dedicated to writing Our Hero Rhea and nothing else. Well besides this blog. Without a shadow of a doubt I would do this again and forever.

I guess that’s all for this week! Best get back to the good stuff!

Thanks for reading!