Tabletop Games: Getting into D&D?

Hey! So I’m working pretty hard on some new Dungeons and Dragons inspired words but I thought it might be fun on this sunny Wednesday morning to introduce the basics of Dungeons and Dragons onto this blog. Partly because it’s fun to talk about and partly because a lot of people who are curious about D&D might be a little overwhelmed or put off by the colossal world surrounding the game.

This content might seem a little different from a lot of the blog things I’ve written on here before I’ll be doing both. I like talking about food and minimalism and writing but I also like talking about D&D… so all things will live in harmony here.

Like the title of this blog suggests, I’m going to talk a little about the basics of D&D. So let’s get on with it!

Here’s my D&D Starter Kit for people that are going to a game but are not (yet) fully invested.

  1. Search online for dungeon masters and players guides! Because you can’t do it blind if you want to make the most out of the game! Wizards of the Coast (the creators of D&D) have actually made a pretty good online version of the Player’s Basic Rules. But if you find that you love the game then I would recommend investing in a couple of the basic handbooks. I’ve been playing D&D for years and still rely on them!
  2. Get some DICE! You don’t need loads. One set will be enough but every player should get their own dice. They pretty cheap on Amazon, I’ve seen some for £2! You’ll need a set of 7. A d4, d6, d8, 2d10 (on 0-9 on 00-90), d12, d20. (Unless you have a crazy DM like I do who buys two million dice.)
  3. Invest in a really good pencil and rubber combo. You’ll need them for your character sheet and note making!
  4. Find an old notebook. You’ll want it to write stuff down so you can remember it later (or for when you run out of ideas for your blog),
  5. Backstory. Make one up, learn it and love it. It really helps the DM if you to become invested in the game and the world and investing in your character makes all the difference.
  6. Listen to your DM. The Dungeon Master is in charge. They’ll tell you the rules and don’t argue with them because that’s a dick thing to do. Plus they’re the ones who decide the fate of your character so it don’t make sense to get on their bad side.
  7. Ask questions. If there’s something you want to try out, ask! Nine times out of ten the answer is usually “make an intelligence check” or “roll a d20”. Give it a go, learn the rules and test the limits of this limitless game.
  8. Bring a good attitude. Don’t be a sourpuss. Go into your D&D game with an adventuring attitude and a good sense of humour. It’s supposed to be fun not daunting!

So that’s my little D&D starter guide. Hopefully if you’re thinking about joining a game it will help you go in prepared and with a good spirit. Let me know if you liked this topic and I’ll think about other D&D basic topics. Like, “what is a d20 anyway?” or “this character sheet makes no sense!”

Thanks for reading!