April 2017 Update

Whoops, you guys! I’m in the midst of my Easter deadlines so I’m focused on other things! But I have exciting news! Well it’s not really news… but it’s exciting.

You may have noticed my inclination towards fantasy things. Games, films, books? The name of the blog “Druid Georgi”? Perhaps you noticed? Maybe not…

Well, I’m in the middle of a couple of Dungeons and Dragons campaigns and thought that it might be fun to document/speculate about the journey. We don’t have a regular playing schedules but I wanted to do this none-the-less. So that’s my exciting thing. Sharing my second life with you guys!

Right now, I’m five days away from turning 25 and eight days away from my work deadlines. I’m at an existential breakdown count of 3-5 daily internal episodes and 2-3 weekly fully-fledged external episodes. This is about the same as when I was 19/20 years old. I’ve written about why I’ve sort of reverted to a younger version of myself but I was too nervous to post it so it’s just sitting in the ‘draft’ folder.

Within the next couple of days, I’ll post my first D&D log from Mae Chernin, my lovely character, so I look forward to sharing that with you.

Thanks for reading!